President’s Letter – Week of October 26, 2015

Dear Rotarians,

Our guest speaker this week is Dean Jacobs, and the topic is “Images from Africa.” As you probably know, Dean left the security of corporate America and decided to pursue other dreams. The wanderlust bug had struck, but in Dean’s case, it had a purpose. Dean is a world traveler, and he has shared many of his stories in the Fremont Tribune, most of which you probably have read at one time or another. Dean is a newspaper columnist, photojournalist, children’s book author, speaker, and of course world traveler. This should be a great program, so try your best to put this week’s Rotary meeting on your calendar. Perhaps you might know someone who would find this program of interest, so bring them along as your guest.

Our drawing was up to $48 last week, and Brian Kudrna would have been the winner, however he was not at the meeting. Perhaps this week we will have a winner. Who knows, it could be you.

Have a great week, and hope to see you at Rotary.

Gary Bolton